ISBE 2024 Conference
29 September – 4 October August 2024
The 19th International Society for Behavioral Ecology Congress was held at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre.
Hamilton Lectures were delivered by both the recipient of the postponed 2020 conference, John Endler (Deakin University), and the 2024 awardee, Kavita Isvaran (Indian Institute of Science).
Plenary lectures were presented by Ashley Griffin (Oxford University), Florian Schietstl (University of Zurich), Schinichi Nakagawa (University of New South Wales and University of Alberta), Claire Spottiswoode (University of Cape Town), Roxana Torres (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México), and Maren Vitousek (Cornell University).

ISBE 2022 Conference
28 July – 2 August 2022
The 18th International Society for Behavioral Ecology Congress was hosted in 2022 by Stockholm University.
The conference was held at the Waterfront Congress Centre in the heart of central Stockholm and was the first conference in ISBE history to have both in-person and online only options.
The Hamilton Lecture was awarded to Prof Hanna Kokko (University of Zurich), with plenary lectures by Redouan Bshary (University of Neuchâtel), Mariella Herberstein (Macquarie University), Toshitaka Suzuki (Kyoto University), Jenny Tung (Duke University) and Yossi Yovel (Tel Aviv University).

ISBE 2018 Conference
11th – 16th August 2018
The 17th International Behavioral Ecology Congress was hosted in 2018 by the University of Minnesota.
Invited speakers included David Queller (Hamilton Lecture; Washington University), Rui Oliveira (Instituto Universitário de Ciências Psicológicas, Sociais e da Vida), Johanna Mappes (University of Jyväskylä), Karen Warkentin (Boston University), Regina Macedo (Universidade de Brasilia), Gene Robinson (University of Illinois), and Simon Laughlin (University of Cambridge).

ISBE 2016 Conference
28th July – 3rd August 2014
The 16th International Behavioral Ecology Congress was hosted in 2016 by the University of Exeter.
The meeting was opened by Richard Dawkins, with plenaries by Malte Andersson, Dorothy Cheney, Tim Clutton-Brock, Rosemary Grant, Hopi Hoekstra, Naomi Pierce & Trevor Price.

ISBE 2014 Conference
31 July - 5 August 2014
The 15th Internation Behavioral Ecology Congress was hosted in 2014 by Hunter College of the City University of New York (CUNY) and the behavioral ecology research community based at various CUNY campuses and New York University.

ISBE 2012 Conference
12-17 August 2012
The 14th International Behavioral Ecology Congress was hosted in 2012 by the Department of Biology at Lund University, Sweden.
A review of ISBE 2012 is available in Vol 24 Issue 2 of the society newsletter.

ISBE 2010 Conference
26 September - 1 October 2010
The 13th Congress of the ISBE was held at the University of Western Australia. The Perth Organising Committee prepared a stimulating programme with a difference, and the meeting was memorable for both its social and scientific content.
A review of ISBE 2010 is available in Vol 22 Issue 2 of the society newsletter.

ISBE 2008 Conference
9 – 15 August 2008
The 12th Congress of the ISBE was held in 2008 at Cornell University, NY, USA.
A review of the conference appears in the Fall 2008 ISBE Newsletter.

ISBE 2006 Conference
23 - 28 July 2006
The 11th Congress of the ISBE was held in 2008 at Tours, France. A warm thank you to the organizers for an excellent congress!
A review of the conference appears in the Fall 2006 ISBE Newsletter.

ISBE 2004 Conference
10 - 15 July 2004
The 10th Jubilee Congress of the ISBE was held in 2004 in Jyväskylä, Finland.
A review of the conference appears in the Winter 2004 ISBE Newsletter.